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Removing barriers to the conversation on gender identity, one letter of the alphabet at a time.


Gender identity is an important part of who we are and how we express ourselves in the world. And children begin exploring it from as young as three years old. But many are taught that there are only two genders to choose from, and it’s hard to talk about something when you don’t have the language to describe it. In an effort to introduce a wider lens and promote greater diversity, inclusion and acceptance, I developed ABC of Gender Identity - an A to Z alphabet book designed to normalize nonbinary genders.

Playing art director, writer and illustrator, I compiled a list of 26 of the most encompassing genders and taught myself how to create a book. I wanted it to be colorful and inviting, approachable and fun, and showcase a diverse cast of “beings” to take the reader through the pages. Most of all, I wanted it to be a true companion for children as they explore their authentic selves.

I started off by self-publishing and selling the book at independent bookstores in San Francisco. It then got picked up by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, and ABC of Gender Identity is now distributed globally and available at all major retailers and libraries. Adweek and other media sites shared the news and I received notes of gratitude from people all around the world. People were buying the book for their kids, their pregnant friends, family members and siblings. It opened up previously unmentioned conversations and, I like to hope, opened up a few minds.

Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and your local bookstore
Adweek // SF Egotist // MediaCat // Design Boom
Silver winner of eLit Awards