We all need a break. A meeting break. A snack break. A Vitamin D break. And now, a hack break. It’s the most productive break you’ll ever take.


LinkedIn is always looking for ways to help its community. And there are times when we could all use a little help getting through the workday. So we created Hack Breaks - mini social videos filled with simple and helpful tips to improve your professional life. And we brought them to life with charming stop motion animation, using everyday desk objects and unique and diverse work spaces.

Our videos were shared weekly on all of LinkedIn’s social platforms, covering a range of topics from desk organization, to managing work-life balance, to mental health, and negotiation strategies. Our aim was to grab attention, spark conversation, and help make people’s lives a little easier. And while I can’t speak for everyone, my desk is definitely more organized as a result.

CW: Austin White
CD: Tavia Holmes
Director: Joseph Wallace, Cardel Entertainment