Every item deserves a second chance.


Even that crockpot that’s been sitting unopened on the highest shelf of your kitchen ever since you bought it. Because when you sell something on eBay, you’re making room for a new chapter while giving someone else the chance to discover something new. That’s how you eBay it forward.

We developed a TV campaign consisting of four spots - a :30s and three :10s. My primary focus was on leading the shorter form films - punchy and humorous character-driven stories that display the power of eBaying it forward. Diverse casting and inclusive stories were key factors for us, and we hired actors that authentically embodied their roles.

We shot in Stockholm, Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic. Which meant we cast our talent, scouted locations, and directed the spots from behind our computer screens in New York. But we still managed to pick up some great dance moves from our talented actors.

CW: Chelsea Curry
ACD: Jack DeLigter and Eric Aragon
CD: Jon Val and Christian Heiner Beckett
Director: Andrea Jade Colomb, Acne